PHASE 3: Starting the Journey

The 5 Steps to
Making an Effective Pareto Chart

CI Tutorial

The 5 Steps to Making an Effective Pareto Chart

'How-to" guide for making Pareto Charts. Based on 2003 version of Excel, but most controls have remained the same, and the general Pareto Chart methods remain the same.
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Phase: 3
  • Type: Tutorial
  • Access: 1 Month or in Sub
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Our tutorials contain detailed information about continuous improvement concepts. They are designed to help you learn the nuances of a topic and put it to effective use.

Our "5 Steps to Making an Effective Pareto Chart" tutorial covers the ins and outs of using Microsoft Excel to create a great Pareto chart. Note that the version of Excel used in this tutorial is from a while back. The steps are still the same, though, but the specific clicks are going to be different.

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