Learn. Teach. Do. Build.

How We Help You Become Great

Whatever your goals are, and however you define “great”, we have the tools and training to help you. Not every company has the resources they need to develop the systems and culture that will make their company thrive as they take on the challenge of continuous improvement.

We can help.

What We Can Do For You

Supporting Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

Our primary purpose is to help small to mid-size businesses close the resource gap with big companies that have a significant advantage in continuous improvement.

Instead of spending your limited resources on figuring out what you need to do and developing the tools you need to do those things, you can use us as a shortcut to greatness.

Extensive Product Line

We offer a full and growing lineup of continuous improvement tools, training, resources, and services to help you become a company that is great at improving itself.

Scroll down to see all the different ways we can help you transform your company into one that is constantly making itself better.


Get Resources to Support Your CI

We are loaded with resources to make your CI journey easier.

Resources include:
  • Forms & Tools
  • CI Reference Guide
  • Book-Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean?
  • Standard Work Simulator


Learn CI Concepts

We built CI Central on a training platform because pretty much everything we do requires that we teach you something.

Whether it is a full course, a how-to guide, or instructions for a form, there is course content that can make your journey easier.


Become a Better Leader

One of the primary functions of CI is leadership. It is different than what most people are used to. It requires a different set of skills and characteristics and requires unlearning many bad habits.


Become a Better Problem Solver

The other primary function of continuous improvement is problem solving. Most of the tools in Lean are pre-made solutions to typical problems. So, it makes sense that if you want to do continuous improvement well, you really need to know how to identify and solve problems. We even have several tools to help you with your problem-solving efforts.


Get "How To" Help

Learning for the sake of learning is important, but it is also not always the most effective way to retain knowledge. Our ‘How to’ content gives you more of a JIT approach to learning.


Build a CI Culture /
Business Management System

This is our primary purpose. All of the other ways we help are possible by slicing off bits of our Continuous Improvement Development System. It is our step-by-step guide to creating a business management system like the top CI companies use.


Build a Training Library

In addition to our online content, we offer a line of physical training kits to help you make your training more enjoyable and engaging.


Create a Home-Grown
Certification Program

You know best what you need, and the skills you want your team to have. Use our courses to create your own certificate programs. Junior Leader Certification. CI Leader Certification. Problem Solving Project Leader Certification. Lean 101 Certificate. You set the requirements. Combine our training with yours. We are adding certificates to our courses, and bulk sales for your team’s training, so this will keep getting better.


Get Support

We offer mentoring services if you want to get better at continuous improvement. We can either offer remote consulting hours for specific questions, or we can offer temporary, contracted, on-site CI Mentorship services. This is a very limited program for no more than 2 clients at a time so we can give top-tier support.


Training videos
— Who We Help

If you are interested in continuous improvement, we want to help.

We have created a lineup of CI training and resources that you can grow with.

Just getting started? Well on your way? A leader? A doer? In charge of the whole CI program?

Our approach lets you choose just what you need to meet your specific requirements
  • Learn at your pace
  • Save time creating tools
  • Get quick answers
  • Build a training library
— Your Options

You can get our content in the way that suits you best.

If our tools don't match your needs. you won't be able to use them. So we try to be flexible in how we get our content into your hands.

Individual Purchases

 If you just need one or two things, you should be able to just buy one or two things. You can buy access to individual courses here on our training platform, or select downloads without online access in our continuous improvement store.

Buy here or...


Need a focused collection of training or resources? Save with our bundle options. You'll get access to the online content, complete with any downloads that are included.



Our best options are our memberships. You can get whichever one best matches your needs. They provide a great value, but even more importantly, they can expand your horizons. You'll have access to content you might not have otherwise even known about.
— What we offer

Level up your skills

Our school has been training students for decades. Our subject matter experts include some of the leading experts in their fields in business globally. 
  • Real cases analysis
  • Distinguished speakers
  • Interactive webinar sessions
  • Integrative business courses
  • Cutting-edge experts


Happy learners
— Level up

Designed with professionals in mind

We’ve helped individuals like you obtain the training and credentials they need to deliver expert advice and provide quality services. Now it’s your turn to help others.
— Accessible courses
Write your awesome label here.
— Detailed presentations
Write your awesome label here.
— Our courses

Education & course content highlights

We ensure our trainings can deliver value when and how our trainees need—whether that be with the support and guidance of instructors or independently and remotely.
— We're here to help

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