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Red Tag Template + Training

Do You Want to Settle for Just Getting a Form? | Or Do You Want to Create an Effective Workplace? | Get the Red Tag Template That's Part of a Powerful System

5S is a powerful tool that is commonly used in continuous improvement. It creates a workplace that is highly efficient and effective. Red Tags give you a way to make your 5S efforts even more powerful by communicating intentions to make changes and preventing necessary equipment from being removed. Because this tool is part of our comprehensive Continuous Improvement Development System, it makes the tool even more powerful.
  • Level: 101

    Core tool used at all levels, especially during kaizen projects.
  • Phase: 3

    Starting the Journey
    Phase 3 is designed to get people engaged in CI.
  • Type: Form

    Resource to help you put continuous improvement concepts to use.
  • Format: PowerPoint

    Use and edit the form on software you are already familiar with. 
  • License Type:

    Modify and share the form within your company.
  • License Duration:

    Download comes with a permanent license.
  • Access: 30 Days

    Online access to supporting content and download links. Longer access with subs.
About this Form

Organize Your Work Area Better

5S's Role in CIDS
How to Get This Form
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Red Tags are a very useful tool as you begin to emphasize workplace organization and start to do an increasing number of continuous improvement projects.

Red Tags...

  • Prevent disposing of necessary items
  • Provide a quick, easy, recognizable way to communicate with a team

The best kaizen teams are cross-functional, meaning that they bring in outsiders who are familiar with continuous improvement, but may not be familiar with the process being improved. That gives them a fresh perspective so they can question things that people close to the process take for granted.

Unfortunately, that also means that most people on teams don't know what is needed in a work area, especially things that are used infrequently. (Note: Infrequently used tools that are not for general preventative maintenance should be questioned. They are red flags for problems.)

A Red Tag is simply placed on an item in question as an indicator that the team is considering removing it as part of the 5S effort. If nobody responds within a set period, the item can be safely removed from the work area.

Where Red Tags Fit Into the CI Development System

Get the Full Lineup of 5S and Visual Management Training and Resources

How to Get the Red Tag Template

How to Get This Form in a Membership

Form & Supporting Lessons

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