This simulator is intended to allow instructors to create a
controlled environment where they can let students develop the skills they need
to complete time studies for documenting standard work.
Level: Advanced
This is a training tool that should only be done by experienced leaders.
Phase: 4
Building the Foundation Create the basis of the infrastructure for CI
Type: Simulator
Used to conduct simulated operations in a classroom environment.
Format: Varies
The content of this simulator is a mix between online content, PDFs, and other content.
Course Access: 30 Days
Online access with individual purchase.
License Duration: While Member
License valid as long as the trainer has a current CI Leader or CI Program Leader membership.
License Type: Access Required
Trainers must be enrolled in this resource to use the training.
About this Simulation
About the Standard Work Simulator
Training Within CIDS
How to Get This Training
All Standard Work Content
Membership Info
The Standard Work Simulator is a tool designed to help your team get a quick understanding on how to document standard work.
This product provides leaders with the instructions on how to run the exercise, and online slides and videos to use when running the training sessions.
Licensing: Trainers must have access to this simulator online to use this simulator.
Where Does the Standard Work Sheet Fit Into the CI Development System
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How to Get the Standard Work Simulator
I want this training to be accessible to a large number of people on your team, but it is too valuable of a tool to just add to the standard leader's membership.
So, the downloads are separate from the Leader's guide. It is a similar model to the LTS downloads where only one person in the company needs access to the content online, but may share it within the company.
In this way, you can have one CI Program Leader working with numerous CI Leaders who can each train their team.
How to Get This Form in a Membership
Form & Supporting Lessons
The lessons below are clickable and will take you to the course player.
Small to mid-sized companies have their own advantages, but often have some obstacles that keep them from capitalizing.
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